Science of Learning Speaker Series


Thursday, November 16, 2017, 4:00pm to 5:30pm


Maxwell Dworkin- G125

Encouraging Great Questions: An Invitation to Deep Scientific Understanding 

James Ryan, JD
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Charles William Eliot Professor of Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education 
The best teachers all have at least one thing in common: they ask great questions. They ask questions that force students to move beyond simple answers, that test their reasoning, that spark curiosity, and that generate new insights. In short, they ask questions that inspire students to think, and to think deeply.

This session will explore why asking questions, and encouraging your students to do the same, is key to both good teaching and successful learning. It will be an opportunity to explore the ways in which asking good questions can deepen understanding, stimulate curiosity, embrace uncertainty, and ultimately lead to the building and advancing of scientific knowledge, discovery, and creativity.